What are the two types of pain management?

Examples of this type of medication include aspirin, naproxen, and ibuprofen. These medications are most commonly used for mild or moderate pain. You can't become addicted to NSAIDs. Depending on the amount of pain, NSAIDs may be enough to control pain.

They can interfere with blood clotting and can cause nausea, vomiting, stomach or kidney problems. Your pain management plan is more likely to be effective if you work closely with your provider and adjust the plan as your needs change. Doctors and nurses will want to know how your pain relievers are working and if you are still in pain or not. Depending on the area of pain, epidural injections may be directed to the neck, if there is pain radiating down the arms, or in the lower back, if the legs are affected.

Acute pain also tends to be related to a soft tissue injury or temporary illness, so it usually goes away after the injury heals or the disease goes away. A tube is inserted into your spine, and when you press a button, the pain reliever is inserted into an epidural tube, which is inserted into your back. The amount of discomfort you feel after surgery depends on several factors, mainly the type of surgery you have had and the pain threshold. While it's not always possible to find total pain relief, you may be able to reduce pain or learn to respond to it in a different way.

By treating pain effectively, you'll heal faster and you'll be able to return home and resume normal activities sooner. You will likely receive a bill for professional service from your pain management specialist, as you would with other doctors. Because of the side effects and risks of pain relievers, you may want to try non-drug treatments first. These medications work well for sudden (acute) pain, but they carry significant risks to the body, such as breathing problems, constipation, and drowsiness.

You control the delivery of the pain reliever by pressing a button to inject the medication in controlled quantities and intervals through an intravenous tube into the vein. While some medications can cause difficult side effects, other pain management options don't include medications. Your provider will ask you when and where you feel pain and if it improves (or worsens) with certain activities. Depending on the cause and type of pain, total relief may not be possible and the pain may not improve immediately.

As a general rule, if the pain only lasts as long as you'd expect and you know the cause, it's probably normal.