Can pain management help neuropathy?

Anticonvulsant and antidepressant drugs are usually the first line of treatment. Some neuropathic pain studies suggest that the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as Aleve or Motrin, may relieve pain. Some people may need a stronger pain reliever. Be sure to talk to your doctor about the pros and cons of the medication you take.

Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, can relieve mild symptoms. For more severe symptoms, your doctor may prescribe pain relievers. Medications that contain opioids, such as tramadol (Conzip, Ultram, others) or oxycodone (Oxycontin, Roxicodone, others), can cause dependence and addiction, so these drugs are generally not prescribed unless all other treatments fail. In addition to the arms or legs, phantom pain may be felt in the fingers, feet, penis, ears, and other parts of the body.

This rare condition occurs when an arm or leg has been removed due to illness or injury, but the brain still receives pain messages from nerves that originally carried impulses from the missing limb. The use of cannabinoids for PN has been recommended as a third-line agent in some selected regimens, but the use of this product is not recommended in the UK for the treatment of PN pain. Pain usually occurs when nerves transmit a pain signal after injury or damage to some part of the body. Effects of intradermal injections of botulinum toxin type A on pain symptoms in patients with diabetic neuropathy.

Pain can also be treated with nerve blocks given by pain specialists, including injections of steroids, local anesthetics, or other medications into the affected nerves. Tramadol is a powerful morphine-related pain reliever that can be used to treat neuropathic pain that does not respond to other treatments your family doctor may prescribe. If another condition, such as diabetes, is involved, better management of that disorder can ease the pain. Your doctor will also ask you about your risk factors for neuropathic pain and may also order blood and nerve tests.

Opioid analgesics are less effective in treating neuropathic pain and negative effects may prevent their long-term use. Moderate relief of neuropathic pain and pain-related sleep problems can be achieved with antidepressants, whether a person has depression or not. Topical treatments, generally available in the form of a patch, gel, or cream, may be useful for localized neuropathic pain. Because peripheral neuropathy can be a very painful and problematic problem that can only be partially alleviated with standard treatments, you may be tempted to try other therapies.

Personalized pain therapy is another approach that can provide patients with the most effective treatment for PN. A physical therapist or occupational therapist can teach you techniques for sitting, stretching, standing and moving to prevent pain.